I've got a server with almost one hundred web-sites. Each of the sites is in its own directory and runs its own logs in /usr/local/www/SITENAME/logs/*.log. When the logs grew up, I decided to set up logrotate. Since there were so many web-sites, my first idea was to create one configuration file for every site in logrotate.d and leave just one line in logrotate.conf:
include /usr/local/etc/logrotate.d
Only one hour later I understood that I can just write a path with multiple meta-characters to include ALL logs in just one line:
/usr/local/www/*/logs/*.log { daily rotate 60 compress notifempty postrotate [ ! -f /var/run/nginx.pid ] || kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid` endscript }
ReplyDeleteEra justo lo que necesitaba ;)
De nada, Zort :). Encantado de ayudar.