Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Errors when installing PHP 5.3 with FPM on Ubuntu

If you try to install PHP 5.3 with FPM on Ubuntu, no matter which installation path you follow, patching sources or downloading FPM from SVN, you will most likely see a lot of error messages similar to the following:

$ ./configure 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found
./configure: 490: 5: Bad file descriptor    
./configure: 490: :: checking for pthreads_cflags: not found
./configure: 490: 6: Bad file descriptor                    
./configure: 490: checking for pthreads_cflags... : not found
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 490: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
./configure: 492: 5: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 492: :: result: : not found                     
./configure: 492: 6: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 492: : Permission denied                        
./configure: 495: 5: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 495: :: checking for pthreads_lib: not found    
./configure: 495: 6: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 495: checking for pthreads_lib... : not found   
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 555: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 555: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
cat: confdefs.h: No such file or directory                   
./configure: 555: ac_fn_c_try_run: not found                 
./configure: 557: 5: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 557: :: result: : not found                     
./configure: 557: 6: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 557: : Permission denied                        
./configure: 633: 5: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 633: :: result: : not found                     
./configure: 633: 6: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 633: : Permission denied                        
./configure: 635: 5: Bad file descriptor                     
./configure: 635: :: result: Configuring SAPI modules: not found
./configure: 635: 6: Bad file descriptor                        
./configure: 635: Configuring SAPI modules: not found           
./configure: 666: 5: Bad file descriptor

If so, don't be a fool like me, check what buildconf reported above:

$ ./buildconf --force                                                                                                          
Forcing buildconf                                                                                                                                       
buildconf: checking installation...                                                                                                                     
buildconf: autoconf version 2.64 (ok)                                                                                                                   
buildconf: Your version of autoconf likely contains buggy cache code.                                                                                   
           Running vcsclean for you.                                                                                                                    
           To avoid this, install autoconf-2.13.                                                                                                        
Can't figure out your VCS, not cleaning. 

This is not just a regular warning you can neglect, you have to use autoconf-2.13. You don't have to install it from sources, though. This version is a separate package, so just run sudo aptitude install autoconf-2.13. You will have also to install libevent-1.4 and libevent-dev. Now, you can run buildconf again and then configure.

The full installation procedure would be:

sudo apt-get install autoconf2.13
wget http://ru.php.net/get/php-5.3.2.tar.bz2/from/ru2.php.net/mirror
tar -xjf php-5.3.2.tar.bz2
sudo aptitude install libevent-dev
cd php-5.3.2/
svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/trunk/sapi/fpm sapi/fpm
./buildconf --force
./configure --enable-fpm --with-zlib \
--enable-pdo --with-pdo-mysql --enable-sockets \
--with-mysql --with-config-file-path=/etc \
--enable-calendar --with-iconv --enable-exif\
 --enable-soap --enable-ftp --enable-wddx \
--with-zlib --with-bz2 --with-gettext \
--with-xmlrpc --enable-pcntl --enable-soap \
--enable-bcmath --enable-mbstring --enable-dba \
--with-openssl --with-mhash --with-mcrypt \
--with-xsl --with-curl --with-pcre-regex 
--with-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-ldap \
--enable-pdo --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysql \
--with-sqlite --with-pdo-sqlite --enable-zip \
--enable-sqlite-utf8 --with-pear \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
--with-mysqli --with-fpm-conf=/etc/php/php-fpm.conf \
--with-fpm-pid=/var/run/php-fpm.pid \
--with-config-file-path=/etc/php/ \

Of course, your php configure options can be different.


  1. Try this -> http://daemoncoder.com/install/nginx-and-php-fpm-on-fedora-13

    The commands may vary slightly for ubuntu

  2. Thank you! Yes, this article is, fortunately, outdated :). In PHP 5.3.3, you don't have to get FPM from SVN, it's included in the distribution.
